DI Workshops and Events
DI Workshop on Community-led Restoration and Natural Resource Development. May 12, 9AM - 4PM, Toronto.
DI In-Person Workshop. September, 2022. Ottawa.
DI In-Person Workshop. June 13, 2022 - 2PM - 5PM, Toronto.
DI Cross-Sector Collaboration Training. Module 3 and 4. June 8th and 9th, 2021.
DI Cross-Sector Collaboration Training. Module 1 and 2. May 3rd and 4th, 2021.
Integrating Children's Rights into Responsible Mining Practices with UNICEF Canada and Pan American Silver Webinar. April 13th, 2021.
DI Cross-Sector Collaboration Training. Module 3 and 4. Peru. March 2021.
DI Cross-Sector Collaboration Training. Module 1 and 2. Peru. February 2021.
DI Webinar: Responsible Mining Foundation and the SDGs. January 2020.
DI Cross-Sector Collaboration Training. Module 1 and 2. December 2020.
DI Webinar: UN Decade for Ecosystems Restoration. December 2020.
DI & CRC Human Rights and COVID Webinar. September 9, 2020.
DI & CRC Social Investment and COVID Webinar. August 26, 2020. Summary Report.
DI & CRC Engagement and COVID Webinar. July 29, 2020. Summary Report.
DI Member COVID-19 Response Webinar. May 28, 2020. Summary Report. *If you'd like to see a recording of the webinar please get in touch.
Beyond Zero Harm 2.0 Scoping Workshop. February 28, 2020. Toronto. Summary Report.
Moving forward Gender Equality. October 24th, 2019. Toronto.
Collaborating with Local Governments for Inclusive Community Development with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and Intergovernmental Forum. Members Workshop. May 29th, 2019. Ottawa.
Community-led Visioning. Members Workshop. April 10th, 2019. Toronto. ​
Exploring the IFC Gender Toolkit. Discussion with GAC and IFC. April 1st, 2019. Ottawa.
Exploring the IFC Gender Toolkit. Discussion with IFC. April 2nd, 2019. Toronto.
DI CEO Summit. February 5th, 2019. Toronto.
Tools for Scaling Livelihoods and Economic Development. Members Workshop. October 25th, 2018. Toronto.
Shared Space Under Pressure. A Q&A with Bennett Freeman. October 15th, 2018. Toronto.
Gender Equality and engagement. Member Workshop. May 31st, 2018. Ottawa.
The Role of the Private Sector in Contexts of Fragility and Conflict. Presentation from CDACollaboration. April 12, 2018. Toronto.
Measuring Outcomes. Members Workshop and AGM. March 2, 2018. Toronto.
Collaborating with the Enemy. Members Workshop with Adam Kahane and Reos Partners. December 5, 2017. Toronto
Tools for Inclusive Engagement. Members Workshop. December 1, 2017. Toronto.
Collaboration for Improved Development Outcomes. Members Workshop. June 27th, 2017. Ottawa.
Advancing Gender Equality. Member Workshop. February 24th, 2017. Toronto.
2016 DI CEO Summit: Advancing Gender Equality. December 5th, 2016. Toronto
Measuring Social Change: Challenges, Trends & New Approaches. Members Workshop. October 27th, 2016. Toronto.
Financing for Development: Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of New Financing Instruments & Mechanisms. Members Workshop. June 27th, 2016. Ottawa.
PDAC Roundtable on Transparency, Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue and Capacity Building as Drivers of Strengthen Local Governance. March 9th, 2016. Toronto.
Sectoral Trends, Policy Priorities & Mapping Mining to the SDGs. Members Workshop. February 1st, 2016. Toronto.
2015 DI CEO Summit: Sustainable Development - A View from the Boardroom. November 19th, 2015. Toronto.
Community Perspectives & Community Engagement: How do you work with vulnerable and marginalized groups to ensure their perspectives are included? Members Workshop. October 15th, 2015. Toronto.
Security & Human Rights in Complex Environments. DCAF & ICRC Presentation. September 29th, 2015. Toronto.
A Focus on Evaluation: Building a learning culture and adaptive approach to development partnerships. Members Workshop. June 23rd, 2015. Ottawa.
Examining the Evolving Roles of NGOs and Mining Companies as Development Actors. Member Workshop. February 27th, 2015. Toronto.
Confronting Shared Value: Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of the New Paradigm to Social and Business Value Creation. Conference. December 3-4, 2014. Hosted in collaboration with Norton Rose LLP and Deloitte. Toronto.
2014 DI CEO Summit: Collaboration through Transformation, Stories from the Field. October 6, 2014. Toronto.
The Art and Science of Partnership Brokering. Skills Building Session with Ros Tennyson, PBAS. October 7, 2014. Toronto.
Human Rights Initiatives in Papua New Guinea with White Ribbon Campaign & Barrick Gold. Presentation. September 22nd, 2014. Toronto.
Mining, Development & Local Government Capacity. Member Workshop. June 25, 2014. Ottawa.
A Conversation with Professor John Ruggie, author of the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights. March 27, 2014. Toronto.
Current Practices in Partnering & New Initiatives. Member Workshop. February 27, 2014. Toronto. Hosted by Save the Children.
Mining & Local Economic Development: Procurement, Supply Chains, and Local Business Linkages. December 9, 2013. Toronto. Hosted by Plan Canada.
Moving the Yardstick: Sustainable Development Through Innovative Collaboration and Shared Value. Member Workshop.
November 6 and 7, 2013. Co-convened with Deloitte. Hosted by Norton Rose Fulbright Canada. Toronto. -
Mining and Tuberculosis: Challenges and Opportunities for a Multistakeholder Approach to Community Health and Development. October 22, 2013. Ottawa. Hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs.
2013 DI CEO Summit. September 19, 2013. Toronto. Hosted by Heenan Blaikie LLP
Natural Resources, the Private Sector and Development: Taking Stock of Strategy, Policy, and Programming. Member Workshop. July 30, 2013. Hosted by CARE Canada.
Due Diligence in Industry-NGO Partnerships. Members Workshop. May 31, 2013. Toronto. Hosted by Save the Children Canada.
Cross-Sector Partnering: Lessons Learned. Members Workshop. April 18, 2013. Convened in association with the Responsible Mineral Sector Initiative’s GEMM 2013 Dialogue at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.
Communicating Partnerships: Speaking publicly to the value of cross-sector collaboration. Members Workshop. April 15, 2013. Hosted by Plan Canada.
Building Dialogue with Communities Around Mining Projects: A Conversation Between the Latin American Dialogue Group and the Devonshire Initiative. March 7, 2013. Toronto. Hosted by Ryerson University.
Looking back, looking forward: What have we learned from cross-sector partnerships? Members Workshop. December 14th, 2012. Toronto. Hosted by UNICEF Canada
Measuring Socioeconomic Development Impact: Perspectives from Industry, NGO and Academia. Members Workshop. September 20th, 2012. Hosted by Save the Children.
DI Outreach Meeting in Ottawa: A Roundtable Discussion on NGO operational issues related to working with extractives. July 26th, 2012. Ottawa. Hosted by Care Canada
Mining and the Environment: From Pre-Construction Assessments to Mine Closures, a Look at the Critical Environmental Issues in Mining. Presentation. March 22nd, 2012. Toronto. Hosted by Save the Children.
Human Rights: Challenges & Strategies in Dealing with Gender Based Violence & Operationalizing the Ruggie Principles. Member Workshop. October 2011. Toronto. Hosted by Ryerson University
2011 DI CEO Summit. Partnerships for Development: Looking to the Future of Multi-Stakeholder Public-Private Partnerships. With guest speakers the Honourable Bev Oda & Ian Smillie. September 29, 2011. Toronto.
Host Country Governance Capacity Building: Improving Outcomes and Opportunities for Multistakeholder Collaboration. Member Workshop. January 2011. Toronto.
Building on CSR Partnerships: Expanding Collaboration Beyond the Business-Civil Society Relationship. Member Workshop. September 2010. Ottawa.
DI 2010 CEO Summit. Working in High Risk Emerging Markets: Canadian Experience, Best Practice & the Way Forward. With guest speakers Louis Guay, Robert Fowler & Luc Zandvlie. June 2010. Toronto.
Managing the Risks & the Benefits of Partnering. Members Workshop. March 2010. Toronto.
Conflict Sensitivity Explored: A hands-on tool for industry operating in emerging markets – in partnership with PDAC, World Vision, CDA. Members Workshop. April 2010. Toronto.
Canadian Government CSR Strategy, Formalizing the DI. Member Workshop. December 2009. Toronto
Sharing Best Practices in Community Engagement: Views from the NGO and mining sectors. Members Workshop. June 2009. Ottawa.
Building Canadian Capacity for Partnering. Members Workshop. April 2008. Toronto.
Devonshire Initiative Pilot: Field Visit to Breakwater Resources El Mochito Mine, Honduras. April 2008, Honduras.
The Challenges of Real World Development: A Case Study Approach. Members Workshop. October 2007. Toronto.
Driving Canadian Leadership in the Extractive Sector in Emerging Markets. Members Workshop. June 2007. Toronto.
The Kimberley Process. Initial Workshop. March 2007. Toronto.